
when undeveloped brain intern ask how to do something so fucking mundane, or simple as fuck shits which they can just google it in like 0.42069 femtoseconds.

  • 5
    give an intern a solution and you feed him for a day; teach an intern to startpage/ddg/google and you feed him for a lifetime
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    @JoshBent i don't think so dude. or at least it's not applicable for this particular intern.

    like, if you think about it, my intern came from IT Major, how can they don't know (how to) google
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    @wowotek I never heard a major that teaches you how to google, it's not a thing in your DNA.
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    @JoshBent it's not, but almost mandatory. Whatever man it's just suck
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    The question takes seconds to ask. The actual solution could take hours of understanding and days of work.

    Give him an idea what to look into to find the answer. If he goes deep and gets a good understanding then he will do well, otherwise he will just learn exactly what he's told and not be a successful intern.

    You might completely understand the idea and can summarise it in a search but what do you search for when you don't know what you need to know?
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