
Worst disturbance? This person who sits behind my back. I've gotten used to them not minding their own business and snooping into mine but to counter that they've taken to distracting me and others all the time.
Sample this incident from just a few moments ago (inspiring the rant).

Me: *debugging while listening to some ambient music channel
Them: *rushes to my desk, putting a hand behind my back
Me: *politely takes off headphones asking, What?
Them: *after peeking at my screen, nvm, I'll tell you later, I have a meeting to go to.

Fucking hell, idiot! It already takes me hours of pushing myself to come to work at this good for nothing place and then actually get to working. Just flush your head in the toilet so you don't take a dump on me with your shitty restlessness.

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    Update (while typing the rant, few seconds later):
    Me: *just putting my headphones back on
    Them: *rushes back, hey do you know where this meeting room is?
    Me: *visibly annoyed, you know the meeting rooms on the other building too, why are you asking me?
    Them: *rushes off.

    Me: guess I'll have to update my rant. 🤷‍♂️
    > Time limit crossed.
    Me: guess I'll have to be content with a comment.
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