
Lab needs a crawler to download some assets, none of my business though

But why not

Haven't touched crawler for two years

Google for latest state of art

Found scrapy

I have to define a class for a crawling script?

Got scared

Went back to beautifulsoup and request

Got the job done in 20 mins

Fuck yeah

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    Remember the first time I dealt with beautifulsoup. Having just extracted exactly the tag I needed I was like: Man, this is so much easier than using regex!

    Ahh, those days.
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    > HTML
    > Regex

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    @Kimmax I know, I know, such were the okd days ^·^"
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    @K-ASS obviously, these days I know parsing HTML by Regex is impossible, but this was like, 5 years ago, and all I wanted was to extract a tag with a specific id and/or class to rip :P

    Still didn't manage to, because I sucked at regex back then xD
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    @Aldar I know you said that was years ago, I just thought this was so related to that question
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