
Karma Story

2 motherfuckers that were absolute shit as managers applied for a position for the web tech manager at my institution. I was the one that Xed both their applications.

Now, I didn't do it out of pettiness, I did it because both of these assholes lied about their positions, responsibilities and knowledge.
One of them washed his hands on a project stating that he had no knowledge of web development, but stated on his resume that he was working as a web dev at the time(in node and asp.net) as well as angular frontends <--- fking bullshit

The other stated that he has been coding all his life. Yeah shitbag, that is why you were selling phones at a company and when i mentioned to you that i studied comp sci you said that it sounds interesting but you had no idea what development is or how computers even work.

There were many. Might say fuck it and just take the position for myself. Shit got funny af and it is amazing how being a shit person and a liar will get back to you and bite you in the ass.

Fuck them

  • 13
    I really don't understand why people lie, especially about stuff that is easily verified. It just makes things worse for them.
  • 4
    @RantSomeWhere @RememberMe because they are full of shit and expect everywhere to be the same man. It sucks
  • 0
    @M1sf3t not me. I apply everywhere thinking i am Me Big Shot

    Normally if i jump ship is cuz someone offered me more money. I don't really look for jobs. They sorta kinda get offered to me one way or the other.
  • 1
    How do you dev without knowing how a computer works? Like what did they say to make you think they know nothing about the topic? I am curious what that ignorance sounds like when someone is bullshitting you.
  • 0
    @M1sf3t This is kind of how I take on new things in computer field. I know enough to get started and just learn the rest fast. There is now so much stored there that I can generalize to extrapolate what I need when and where. But honestly, there have been times when I spouted shit outa my mouth that was correct, but had no idea where it came from.
  • 0
    @Demolishun seems really out of it right? The second dude saw me working on school work one time. I mas making a rest API in Java and Spark(the microframework) and he saw what I was doing and started asking me about it, stating that he knew of the existence of programming as a field and as a concept, but he did not know anything about it cuz he just wasn't interested in it because he is scared of how computers work and getting into the field. He did have a major and a graduate degree, but these were in Business Administration and he had never worked in any computer related field. He stated on his resumee that he was tasked with operating client databases and adding to the software that they used at the phone company where he worked. Phone company as in MetroPCS. It was complete and utter bullshit because the software came from corporate. Why would a store assistant manager be able to interact with client databases?
  • 0
    @M1sf3t exactly man. Not gonna lie my blood boiled when I read it and i tried to not be biased about it. I did mention to the head of the department that if they felt that i was being too harsh then i would gladly step out and he said that my input on that specifically was very valued and that he wants me to go through the whole process. Made my day
  • 0
    @AleCx04 Wow! Amazing claims they made!
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