
Fuuuuuuck my country. Like seriously, in what kind of dynastic Era are these people living in. Outdated manuals, outdated IDES. old fucking references. What's the point of going to uni when I'm going to have to update all that info into new standards. UGHHH!!!
And your choices are all narrowed down to ONLY informatic engineering. This is BLASPHEMY. DEBAUCHERY.

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    Do not think it's better in the netherlands. I was teaching my teachers about git, npm, bower, and the existence of frameworks
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    @Codex404 😂😂😂😂 glad to hear that we're not the only ones.
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    @Codex404 WHAT ?!

    I go to Avans and luckily they at least teach us node, dotnet, git, angular etc. O.O
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    @alexbrooklyn we have yearly around 30 interns from multiple schools in the region MBO and HBO almost none have used git unless they have taught it themselves.
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    @Codex404 I know that you don't learn real experiene with clean coding at school, but that sounds outrageous!

    What area are you in? Around the Randstad or somewhere more remote? 🤔
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    @Codex404 we had an assignment where we were supposed to work with the mechanical genies for a paper about preventing attack defense in CBTC. But hear this, all of our transports in Morocco are manual with basic telecommunications. We had no researches no info not even one fucking reference. So in the end we just looked up some French research and translated that ish.
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    @alexbrooklyn the randstad yeah, we get people from the area between Amsterdam and Rotterdam
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    It's the same everywhere, many companies no longer head hunt uni leavers, they will snatch up freelance or smaller IT techs from active work as they can see there proven themselves in the field.

    I know this has been the case for a while now but it's becoming less and reason for the university degree.

    Unless you want to teach then get the degree.
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    I worked on a government project once and in one meeting, we were talking about integrating multiple systems and we agreed on json. After the meeting, one of the project leaders who used to build systems for the government in the past approached me and started asking me about json. I had to school him on it and found out he doesn't even know about XML
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