Yeeah it's official, the N key in my HP keyboard just fucked up

What the solution?
Ok I'll use all the #Widgets that has no N in it's definition in my code

Just fuck that sit.

  • 7
    Oh no,
    your h also passed away?😢🤔
  • 1
    @ozzy sit. = situation != shit 🙂
  • 5
    On the bright side you can't write the N-word without the N-key
  • 4
    @JhonDoe But you can write Digger
  • 3
    @NoMad amiga mia(spanish for "my friend")
  • 1
    remap remap remap remap remap
  • 0
    ok here's a quick and easy fix (DIY)
    works 100%
    - bUy a mOniTOr
    - cOnNeCt iT tO yOUr hP LaPtOp
    - oPeN virTual keYbOaRd oN yoUr Hp lapTop
    - drAg iT To yoUr nEw mOniTor
    - nOw kLic tHe N key on tHe viRtuAl keYboaRd evEry timE u nEed tHe N keY.
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