I really wanna love Rust. I really, really do. But no inheritance is just such a stupid decision. But inheritence bad REEEE. No. Just no. Composition only works fine for some things because it just isn't powerful enough to properly (without performance penalty or boilerplate, that is) emulate inheritance. Some things are just better with inheritance: Games, UI, html or xml libs, etc. Now I have to use stupid fucking workarounds because oh no we cannot implement inheritance because that's scary and might give the programmers to much power. I can decide when I want to use inheritance or composition for myself, dickheads

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    What are you using Rust for? Anything fun?
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    @Demolishun I'd love to use it for pretty much anything. Right now I'm making an interpreter for funge-98 and starting on a fun little game. After that probably a semi realtime backup program, a tiny operating system, stuff like that
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    @12bitfloat Cool! I have just started learning some functional approaches in C++, but everything I am used to programming is all side effects. Classes == Side Effects pretty much. Hard to get my head around.
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    That's only true, if you don't know how to use OOP+FP properly.
    OOP and FP aren't opposites in any way and in fact, work pretty we'll together.
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    Games better with inheritance? Then why is the industry moving from inheritance based composition to data driven composition (ECS)?

    Games is one of those things where it works best!
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    @Geoxion I haven't heard about it yet, might have to check it out. I kinda doubt that "the industry is moving to it," though. Some of the industry maybe
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    @12bitfloat Unity's new system: https://unity.com/dots/...
    A nice looking intro: https://gamedev.net/articles/...

    Unity is the first major engine that now is capable of this new(ish) way of programming. But from what I can gather, people are requesting this from other engines now too.
    I may not remember correctly, but I think I heard some time ago that UE was also doing some research or whatever into ECS.

    (Also note, btw, that 'classic' Unity and current UE/CryEngine all use a compositional style rather than an inheritance style already)
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