What is your favourite dev-tool, you can't live without?

For me it's Git. Rescued my life for several times... 😅

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    Other than the compiler/interpreter, definitely git, it has also saved my ass multiple times.
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    Pycharm. Aside from git, it has an internal history. Even if you didn't use git, it saves automatically versions of all the code and you can revert it whenever you want.
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    Vim. It's archaic but it's universal, no matter what crazy Linux or Mac device I have to use, it's always there for me.
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    my keyboard, cannot imagine life without it
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    Git is a must have, but I do like Atom as IDE. Lots of plugins and clean look!
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    The stressball
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    The coffee machine... Definitely
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    The monitor!
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    Git, Android Studio
    and iTerm
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    ConEmu as console replacement for Windows.
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    The building where I worked was on fire. It quickly engulfed everything in it's path. Everyone else had left to safety but I stayed back as long as I can for that last critical git push. I jumped out of my desk just seconds before it was swollen by the fiery rage.
    I rushed to the emergency stairways. Downstairs was burning. Suddenly, there was a loud rumbling. The rays of light coming through the slits in the wall was intermittent, disturbed by rotating rotors. "Anyone still in the building, please make your way up to the roof top!" A nervous but commanding loudspeaker voice was heard.
    I burst out through the roof top door. The heli can't find a spot to land. My heart sank, I was sure I wasn't going to make it but something caught my eyes. I yanked a roll of cable from the SDF room to the left. In one miraculous feat I lassoed the swaying landing skid and bam! There I was taking selfie of myself hanging 500 feet in the air from a chopper on an Ethernet cable.
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    Livereload !
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