I was stuck with an architectural problem for a few days. Tried to solve it in many different ways. I could always do a quick hack and call it a day, but.. That's not pretty and it would be a trip wire for future developments.

Went to bed at ~2am. Took a few hours before I finally fell asleep. In my dream I was solving the same problem as in real life, except there I found an obvious and simple solution. Woke up at 8am, repeated that solution to myself a few times to not to forget it. Implemented it in the evening and it worked perfectly!

Moral of the story: do not work late. Better go to sleep, rest your mind. You might solve the problem while resting, and you will need a clear mind in the morning to remember and implement the solution :)

p.S. This happened to me more than once.

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    Research the problem.

    Identify your top questions.

    Tell yourself that you will work it out and it will come to you believe in that completely.

    Take a break. Small problems just take a walk around the block bigger problems like what You are handling might take a couple of days but will come.

    This is not some flaky how to advice is actually solid science in its been proven over and over again.

    That's why you have to watch what you think try to stay positive and let your mind do all the work

    It is the adaptive engine the brain. You just have to feed it questions It will filter in your world and guide you to a solution.

    But if you're also telling yourself that you'll never find a solution that it's impossible or whatever then you Won'tt your not activating your filter
  • 1
    @minsomai it?

    There was no "it". "It" was not yet implemented. My goal was to come up with an implementation.
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