
Is security and privacy an answer from Firefox to be not be able keep up with chrome?

  • 1
    What is Firefox lacking, exactly? I've made a switch last year and the only feature I miss is Tab-search in the omnibar.
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    @gronostaj decent Dev tools
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    Try Firefox Developer Edition maybe.
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    I have zero issues with it?
  • 2
    Is that a joke? Firefox has good dev tools
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    @peeyush Elaborate? I find them very good.
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    @Jilano Nope, that's not what I meant. Chrome automatically collects search boxes on websites you visit. Next time you start typing the URL and autocomplete kicks in, you can press Tab on your keyboard and immediately search on that website without opening it first.
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    @Jilano I do that too, but it requires manual action for every single website. Plus some search engines can have aliases added in settings, it's confusing. Chrome just does it better.
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