

Dear HR people, if you don't provide enough info about the positions that you have at hand forget about me wasting time on call-first acknowledgements to later on realize what kind of waste of time it was!

Sure, making business connections is important but without taking into consideration the other side time is all but respectful, in a professional context.

So, balance your shit and make the call worth the time of all the parties.

Fucking thanks.

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    They're just the public facing 'face' of the business in question. And business these days is like wielding a shotgun.

    Spraying out ads for potential hirees like pellets from a mosberg, and peeking out from underneath the blindfold to see if you hit anything.

    ..because thats the cheapest strategy.

    So treat them the same by flooding them with resumes.

    Fuck em. Theres a million employers out there. If you send enough out, or hell, even AUTOMATE it, you can pick and choose to your liking.
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