Please explain. I liked it when there was just one 'thing' to do here. I want to post some stupid screenshot and then point out how it's silly or awesome or just whatever... where does that go? It might be a little jab - and a question... and a story...

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    maybe you should use the hashtag mimimi
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    @Asbetha Like - I'm getting ready to sing in a concert?
  • 1
    choose rant

    add to tags: joke, story, etc
  • 0
    @Demolishun Ok. So, if I just always choose rant, I'll be ok? Because I have people asking - "how is this a rant" on a few of my recent posts.
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    I'd put that under random
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    @Asbetha I went down the meme hole to discover your meaning - but - I can't find anything meaningful.
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    @sheriffderek As long as you don't post questions and memes as ranta, you'll be fine :)
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    @ScribeOfGoD - but how do you decide... When it was just a 'rant' - then it encompassed everything... - do you think these 'categories' are meaningful? What's the difference between a rant and a devrant? As a web developer - I'm not sure how these work - resource-wise
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    @sheriffderek Rants can be stories and rants, the devrant tag is specifically for devrant related things!
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    @linuxxx So, if it's a rant - that's a question... then what? And I don't think I've ever knowingly reposted a meme. Just images with a few notes.
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    @linuxxx What are some examples of devrant related things? I guess this is one.
  • 1
    @sheriffderek Devrant related things:
    Meetups, devrant questions/remarks, pretty much anything that directly relates to devrant.
  • 1
    @sheriffderek Well, if its a joke/meme then select that. I thought the question was about multiple categories.

    rant: positive/negative story kind of thing. Going by the definition of rant: https://merriam-webster.com/diction...

    joke/meme: a joke or meme

    random: doesn't fit anywhere else

    question: for questions

    devrant: ? - specific questions of the forum? I don't know what this is for.
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    @sheriffderek I guess that depends on the context. Check my latest rants/questions, that might clear things up :)
  • 1
    @linuxxx ok. Let me see if I've got this. "rant" is for screaming into the void - and "question" is for when you should be asking a question in a discord server but you do it here instead. Those seem pretty clear. I don't really post memes or ask questions other than "what the fuck" type of rhetorical things - and those choices offer nothing different in the UI department - so they are just auto hashtagging things for me? What is this post - because it's a question... but also a little rant for Mr. Fox to think about.
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    @Demolishun What if my story is an image (possible future meme or thought to be funny (joke) ) and then a WTF? Question (question) that is really just an examination (rant) and it's about this actual devRant application (devRant) and it's also stupid and apparently not an issue for anyone else (random) ?
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    @sheriffderek This post should have been either "question" or "devrant".
  • 1
    @sheriffderek Please don't take the "which is the right category" to seriously, but just think before you post - nobody will cut your head off if you chose a wrong category.
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    @sbiewald If I just choose devrant and add #question - is it the same as if I choose question and add #devrant?
  • 3
    @sheriffderek The categories ARE useful.

    Wanna see whether there's some discussion about devRant? Maybe even the DR devs decided to work on DR again or opensource it? Just switch off all categories except devrant.

    Tired of all the stupid noobs reposting meme crap from all over the internet? Don't display the joke/meme category. Doesn't work for the stupid assholes who post their shit as rant though... to hell with them.
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    @sbiewald (I don't... but I also like thinking about UX and stuff... you know - "dev" rant type things. : )
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    @sheriffderek YOU. DON'T. USE. HASHTAGS. This is not Twitter.
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    @Fast-Nop - OK! now we're talking.
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    @Fast-Nop hhahaha.. I was waiting for that.
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    @sheriffderek Pretty much! I'm not sure what hashtagging is though....
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    @sheriffderek Yes. Although it isn't a great idea to mix those categories, as the feed filters (you can exclude categories like "joke/meme" from your feed) will not work properly (e.g. if a post is "devrant, question" and a user chose to hide questions, it would still be shown, if made it "question, devrant" it would have been hidden from the user).
  • 5
    "Wow, more than one option? This shit is way too difficult for me." ~ @sheriffderek

    fucking really?

    Pick whichever is most appropriate and use that. If you think multiple fit, pick one. Hell, you can even add the other tags if you like (though keep in mind that they won't affect filtering). But If you pick rant for everything, we will flame you for being a dunce.
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    New category: "flame bait"
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    @Root - I was actually able to get all my constitution together and pick one. Thanks for the support!
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    @Demolishun flames not intentional - just thought people might also have a conflict. But - we're 'devs' right - so, we'll leave the thinking to the 'creatives' hahah ; )
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    #equal-rights-for-any-and-all-options-slash-choices-slash-whatever-they-want-to-be-referred-to-as - of course... now I'm compelled to make a joke UI. I'll make sure to put it in 'joke' category
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