
just had a 3AM fucking brain blast

On the TI-8x line of calculators, you can do link port shit to essentially blit music to the barrel link port. However, the only library for this sounds like dick and is a superslow piece of shit.

I've just had a thought:
The library this dude wrote spaces the note out, waits for it to end and then resets the port.

If you're blitting music to the port rapid-fire, you don't need to reset it except either after the music or during rests. I can push a note with a waveform of 0hz to the link port to reset it, so...

The dude posted his source, so I could theoretically have it set the link port to whatever note and immediately return.

This would make the time between notes upwards of like 8x faster, bringing my sample rate from like 25 to 200 or so. That's almost fast enough for barely-recognizable voice synth! A little fiddling would be needed to get me the rest of the way there, but there's probably optimizations I can do to push the envelope some.

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    So much of the ti33 code people have shared is so poor that optimizing it is really easy. There's lots of neat things you can do
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    I'm going to say yes, but don't have a single darn clue what you talking about
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    I have a TI-84+. This thing can play audio?!
  • 3
    @Root TI83*
  • 4
    @Root actually yeh, TI-84, TI-84+, TI-84+SE will do it too.

    @JoshuaBehrens yeh, with a 2mm to 3.5mm adapter.
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    @Parzi I am up to test that. Feels so unreal
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    @JoshuaBehrens https://amazon.com/VCE-2-5mm-Female... or similar (2.5mm side MUST be male), a TI-8x calc with some way to send a program from a PC to it, and a small amount of TI-BASIC knowledge.

    Download this (https://ticalc.org/archives/files/...) and send both "NOTEMAN.8XP" and "TETRIS.8XP" to your calc. Then run prgmTETRIS and plug in the adapter. (Don't insert the adapter until ready to hit ENTER to run the program, as TI-8x calcs act weird when running with something attached that isn't another calculator.)
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    @Parzi uploading apps to it is not new to me but the music thing is. Thanks for the links of apps with music support. I'll check that out when that adapter is delivered
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