In Linux Mint 19 TINA. All I did was

"sudo apt-get remove python"

then, I saw cinnamon being removed in the terminal. Why is linux so dependent on python that much?

  • 17
    Because it uses python much? If it used ruby to draw gui and plugins it would be dependent on ruby. If it used java it would be dependent on java..

    I think it's elementary
  • 6
    @netikras my dear Watson
  • 7
    That's not the first time I heard someone saying that.

    But I still don't understand why anyone would want to uninstall python. Why?

  • 2
    @ddephor only when it's python 2 😅
  • 2
    I often wonder why they picked python, too. There are more enjoyable languages to write in. Though it is a better choice than Perl, and certainly better than Java.
  • 5
    Because Python must be the best thing since sliced beer.
  • 0
    Wait wait what!! Pythons eat cinnamon
  • 0
    @Jilano I was wondering how soon would someone notice that 😁 it took longer than I thought
  • 0
    @netikras Let's rephrase the question:

    Why do (smaller, independent) Linux teams love to make their DEs / GUIs / distros dependent on various (rather large) runtimes, when most other Linux software comes as small binaries with only a few libraries as dependencies?
  • 0
    @hitko What? A huge dependency tree is rather the norm than the exception under Linux because devs don't regard dependencies as liabilities, and that's because they don't have the slightest idea of what configuration management even is.

    It's also why "solutions" like Docker came about, as dirty workaround for the resulting mess.
  • 0
    Tried reinstalling python on ubuntu the other day. Consequently removed brave, firefox and the ubuntu terminal as well. Chrome survived the purge though.
  • 0
    @netikras That's what I didn't know about Linux Mint 19. Probably didn't do much research.
  • 0
    @netikras That's what I didn't know about Linux Mint 19. Probably didn't do much research.
  • 0
    @Clueless I don't think it's Mint or Cinnamon speciffic. Lots of tools are built on Python.
  • 1
    @Clueless Also.. Linux is NOT dependent on Python. That is one of the main differences between Linux and other OSes: in Linux everything is modular. If you don't like the file manager -- get another one. Maybe you'll like it better, maybe it'll be build on different language. You don't like default DE/DM -- throw it away and get another one!

    All these things are OSS, hence you cannot control what technology are they built with, nor there are any standards defining it.

    If I am good at Java and want to build a DE - maybe I'll use Java for it! I'll build my own DE, use it for myself. Since it's not commercial, I might release its source. Ubuntu folks might like it and adopt in later on, which will make default ubuntu DE dependent on Java.

    Same rule holds true for other tools: package manager, bluetooth app, widgets/desklets/docks, etc..
  • 0
    @Jilano There's a full OS written in Node called NodeOS.
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