
During a health and safety course today I was asked to talk about the workspace ergonomics. Part of that course is to make sure everyone knows how to customise their seat, screen, keyboard, etc., so I told everyone to unfold those little feet on the bottom of their keyboards and everyone did... Everyone but a cheeky little customer service girl who was more interested in taking selfies of her skirt coincidentally matching the carpet. I cleared my throat and said again:

- "Please, unfold your keyboard's feet."

Nothing. Coughed. Nothing. Finally, quite annoyed, I repeated myself for the 3rd time:

- "Unfold the feet, please!"

She jumped. Eyes wide. Noticed everyone staring. And very very slowly, with a look of complete puzzlement, she spread her legs.

  • 3
    Is it more ergonomic to have the back of the keyboard elevated? I hardly ever do that.
  • 2
    @Demolishun I always do that.
  • 2
    @Demolishun It's sometimes even more ergonomic to have it tilted backwards, i.e. having the end that's closer to you elevated. Especially true for split keyboards.
  • 1
    @Demolishun in general no. If your keyboard is tilted towards you, you need to bend your hands upward a little more. You want to bend your hands as little as possible for maximum ergonomics.

    However, the only true way to tell is to try it out yourself. For example, I recently bought an ergonomic trackball which is operated with your thumb. The rewievs raved about it, YouTube videos showered it with praise. But I got cramps in my hand. So I sent it back.
  • 9
    Only a true dev would discuss the keyboard and completely ignore the spreadie of the girl. Proud of our community!
  • 1
    @Sm4o i want to report your comment. for being hilarious!
  • 0
    @Sm4o look, Id never ignore a nice smart girl spreading her legs, but if the said gay was just taking pictures of her skirt moments ago baffled by it matching the carpet... Yeah, hard pass
  • 0
    @Demolishun It depends on the size of your hands and length of your fingers (and somewhat on the thickness of your forearms) so everyone has to try for themselves and that was the point. I couldn't continue until everybody does so I was annoyed.

    Just a wee bit of a delay, I guess. Sry, lol.
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