So, it has been 2 months and a half since I started working. So far I learned two important things.

1. Clients are fucking retards. Like really fucked up shit. I don't even understand how they got the job.

2. Working for a company is nothing like an internship. I now realize much they treated me like shit during my internship compared to my current job. I did my internship in a startup and I now work in a big multinational company, I feel way more welcome in this company than in the startup

So far I really enjoy my work and I've been learning more for the past 2 months than during my studies.

  • 3
    Startups and corps are very different types of organizations - that explains different experiences
  • 4
    1. That's true. That's the reason why who can choose work on a position far away from the client part.

    2. Exactly there's difference between an intership and a proper worker. But it's nothing to do with an startup or big company. It depens on the culture of the company.
    In my experience, big companies tend to be more agressive and to think the rights are rule by the money, so they tend to treat them with a care proportional to how much they cost to them.
    In consequence, interships are treated as really shit.

    In small companies, the range of salaries are smaller, so you could not reach as good position as in a big one, but they tend to treat all employees as they were humans.
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    @jennytengsonM At first it was ok. Everyone was really nice to me. They were encouraging me in my work. But after a while they started being very critical towards my work (which is ok as long as it's constructive) but also very critical towards myself and the way I dress, speak, my opinions,...

    When in the beginning I felt secure with those people, it's slowing became awkward and I was afraid to say anything.
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    @turbod in the short experience I currently have. I feel better in the big company where I work now. Not only for the way they treat me but also for every challenges I face every day. I discovered some new skills I didn't know I had.
    Sure, it's hard work, sure I do a lot of overtime and SURE the project is really bad (on the technical side) but it's a challenge on it's own and I like that. I'm not anymore in the secure environment of school projects and I quite like that
  • 1
    An awful lot of supposedly successful business people really are as thick as mince. The number of emails I've had from people like that which are so incoherent that you'd be ashamed of a child who wrote them is staggering.
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