12:30pm - I can't code any more, what does this function even do?
12:45pm - What's a function?
12:59pm - I still don't know what a function is
01:00pm - *Eats Lunch*
01:05pm - My code makes perfect sense

  • 4
    You eat way too late! You should start your coding with coffee and a sandwich on the side, and have lunch at 12. And then ice cream at about 14-15.

    Brain needs blood sugar to function properly
  • 2
    My regime is
    10:00 coffee
    11:45-12:30 coffee and lunch
    12:30-4:30 eat hazelenuts they are good
    5:00 glass of red wine

    This habit seems to work for me
  • 1
    @fetch-alcohol Hmm, do you do any coding after 5:00? Red wine works like a strong sedative on me, have a glass or 2 and I'm snoring an hour later. Whiskey sounds good to incorporate though
  • 4
    Here's my usual now:

    8:30am -- Bulletproof coffee or Crio Bru (bulletproof = with butter and mct oil, plus salt and heavy cream)
    8:45am -- something small and high-fat, like eggs and green chile with yet more butter
    9:30am -- Motivated to work, but standup meeting.
    10:00am -- meeting over; no longer motivated to work. Try anyway.
    12:30pm -- brain no longer works. at all.
    12:31pm -- <missing snacks like macadamia nuts because my office sucks>
    2:00pm -- lunch, something high fat like a cheeseburger salad with grease! ❤
    2:15pm -- yay brain works again.
    5:00pm -- nightowl mode kicks in; I'm in total flow. By our powers combined, I am a 10x engineer!
    5:30pm -- girlfriend complaining that's I'm not leaving yet
    6:30pm -- leave after getting my day's work done in an hour
    7:00pm -- tiny snack for dinner, usually high in protein because I didn't have enough during the day.
  • 1
    @Root Ah, meetings, the classic way to hamper all productivity
  • 0
    @Mr-Myrk it acts like a social sedative some of my colleagues like to become social at 5:15-5:30 so it takes the edge of alittle plus my work tends to be done by 4:45
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