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    drank !greenTea // just
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    Only on my first cup but I'll probably reach 5+ cups again today 😅
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    @DavinaLeong How does green tea affect a skinny guy other than improving metabolism ?( asking for a friend)
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    @sandeepbalan Even green tea contains caffeine, about a tenth of the content in coffee (20 vs 200mg per 100ml).

    So the answer, obviously, is to drink a 10 liter jerrycan full of green tea every day.

    A strong Matcha green tea can get close to 100mg/100ml, so that might be a better option.

    Or you could just dissolve a brick of amphetamine in dimethylsulfoxide and use it as a foot bath.
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    @bittersweet Actually i like to be skinny. I mean does green tea make me loose more weight or something? (oh wait. asking for a friend)
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    Weight loss diets are conceptually easy:

    Don't eat too much.

    The side rules are:
    1. There is no evidence that any pills or supplements makes you lose weight faster.
    2. There is no evidence that any specific diet works better, other than "don't eat too much". For some people, a specific diet makes sticking to calorie reduction subjectively easier.
    3. Nutrients are important for health, so if you cut calories, make sure you cut nutrient-poor items first.
    4. Exercise is important for health, but doesn't burn that many calories. Weight loss is mostly about food.
    5. High calorie drinks tend to be sneakier than high calorie foods.

    Usually, a good place to start a diet is to make sure all/most of your drinks are calorie-free.

    After that, a good way to get a sense of what you're eating is simply by keeping a calorie intake log. From there, it's easy to see which items contribute many calories, and compare that value to how satiated those items makes you feel.
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    @bittersweet No need to sweat over calories, just don't eat sugar (and sweeteners), bad fats and overly processed food. Limit high-GI foods. Like, you know, a diet suitable for a human.
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