Currently using VSCode... is PyCharm worth the price?

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    You can always try PyCharm Community, which is free. I don't personally have experience with Python, but if the difference between PyCharm and VSCode is the same as the difference between WebStorm and VSCode (I mostly do front-end and recently migrated from WebStorm to VSCode), it might be worth the switch - better refactoring, better code indexing and search...
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    I think PyCharm is for bigger projects where debugging and refactoring is harded, I do small Python changes on a lot of files so vim/vscode is a prefered fast solution
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    I tried both for Python, prefered Pycharm (I was using community before switching to ultimate) the reason for it better tools overall for Python development specially on a bigger project scale. Also as @Kamen mentioned Community edition is free and if the ultimate is available for a 30 day trial. Try it and see which one do you prefer better.
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    Pycharm Community is very good, not sure what extras you get with the paid version but the community edition is perfect
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    I use pycharm for school projects... As student its free and i would pay the price after my bsc because i love it ☺
    Especially for working with keras, numpy and pandas (scientific tools) its an enhancement compared to vscode. But use the trial first :)
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    Pycharm is a crutch for a lot of devs in an already hand-holding language. Use it for 3 months consistently then switch to VSCode, or sooner if you feel ready.

    In interviews you dont get pycharm to help you.
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    @arcsector You sound like you harbour resentment against this IDE.

    To what extend would it be a crutch?
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