
Difference between windows and Linux!!

  • 13
    is that a DVD ?

    or just a really flat and round USB ?

  • 0
  • 4
    @DarkMukke Ubuntu 7 would have come on CD, it only just recently became big enough to need a DVD, 14.04 I believe
  • 3
    Actually, microsoft encourages lending install media today (and even have a media dl tool on their website for free). So people with own valid licenses can reformat their pc or repair them. (this to discourage PC manufacturers to fill the pc with un-uninstallable bloatware like trial software, HP Games, 30 day trial of Norto..... naah, 30 day trial of Poooopton, and such garbage)

    But lending licenses is not permitted ofc.
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    It's Windows Mobile anyway. Pssh.
  • 3
    Well Ubuntu is maintained by devs while Windows is maintained by a company... Their licenses differ, this kind of hate is stupid lol
  • 1
    @Paramite you are so right :))

    It's like saying cutting your leg off is a pretty sure way of preventing athlete's foot :))
  • 2
    @rephiscorth Is Canonical a community meetup in London??! Is Fedora also just a bunch of "devs"? Red hat? Suse? The kernel is 80+% paid developers working for something like 400+ companies. OK didn't mean for micro rant.. had to respond to the bait though : ) side note.. company is just a legal piece of paper..
  • 0
    Exactly what system would have a CD drive and be more suited to Windows Mobile? 😑
  • 0
    @kwilliams this might actually be the software for syncing those old WinMobile devices. I remember one of my old ones refused to be seen by my computer until I installed the software for it.
  • 0
    @kwilliams this might actually be the software for syncing those old WinMobile devices. I remember one of my old ones refused to be seen by my computer until I installed the software for it.
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