
Anyone excited to have Google possibly drop Java for Swift?


  • 6
    Would be a huge step forward.
  • 5
    It would be awesome. Though Swift is open source, its close ties to Apple would make it very interesting indeed. I'm all for getting the hell away from anything Oracle owns though. They do not play nice with the community.
  • 1
    they have use any other or swift cuz Oracle is now playing dirty
  • 0
    That was my thought as well.
  • 0
  • 1
    You'd think Google would start pushing Go instead
  • 0
    This hurts my brain. Google would switch to Swift for Android development? Is that even possible?
  • 1
  • 1
    Two reasons. One, a lot of developers like swift and two, it would help to close the gap of apps reaching iOS first then Android second. They could almost be released simultaneously.
  • 0
    Why Swift and not JavaScript though..
  • 0
    would love this!
  • 0
    It would be fantastic and real joy for the developers.
  • 0
    kotlin would be acceptable
  • 1
    Xamarin though.... .net done right. that was the ticket.
  • 0
    Definitely. And with the huge Google / Android dev base, swift could grow much faster.
  • 1
    I have heard that swift is already dying though. If (and only if) it is, I don't really understand the adoption. Especially with the Google v. Apple legal troubles.
  • 0
    Hell no , Java is better!
  • 0
    @r4lph Maybe, but I read that its virtual machine is slow
  • 0
    leave layouts in Android alone and I'm all for it. if Swift also brings Apple's shitty Interface builder I'm never coding a mobile app ever
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