I've spent so many years not coding, I could never get over the initial hump, which was definitely a mistake. Mistakes are fine, we all make them. The best thing is to learn from them. On the plus side I've learnt firewalls, Web hosting. Windows domains, Azure cloud, virtual machines etc etc, skills which are hopefully very useful for Dev to have. I look forward to joining the ranks of skilled developers. If you are interested in development but are afraid to take the leap. Just go for it, start to learn and play with it. My recommendation for anyone looking for a starting point is a Udemy course called "The Complete ASP.NET MVC 5 course". I'm not affiliated in any way or advertising it. I just think it's brilliant and you get to the fun stuff really quick. You will start with the basics of getting and setting up visual studio. Also. If anyone could recommend other very good courses they know of I would appreciate it

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    ASP.NETvc 5 is now basically a framework which has a high availability of expert or senior level developers to work with. I would assume, amd of course be wrong, that because of that there will be a lower level of entry for beginner-intermediate developers into that particular market, at least for now.

    I would instead recommend looking ALSO(not instead) into .net core, not only is already what Microsoft is shooting for in terms of the future, but it offers a high availability of choices and a simple to use cli. Check out the Udemy courses from Neil Cummings, the one you are looking at right now is from Mosh Hedami, he has got absolutely fantastic content, both course authors are about the only ones I can recommend fully
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