
!dev && rant(-ish)

Seriously, what's up with all the different "Toss a Coin to Your Witcher" covers? Artists have created so many of them, that after listening to one or two covers, I get like 8 covers in my Weekly Discover or Release Radar on Spotify. It's getting annoying. I know it became a popular song of the new fans of Witcher, but if you plan to release an (n+1)th cover, just don't do it! It became boring and I will probably ignore your cover. Instead, you can create your own unique song!

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    @PublicByte Well, there are usually 1 or 2 songs for me weekly which are good recommendations. Otherwise I'm just gatting crap lately
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    It's an easy and catchy song. I Love it. Of course the musicians in YouTube will Ride the trend Wave especially If it's as simple as toss a coin to your witcher. I also think that the cow is almost milked dry by now... Many musicians were able to put their unique Spin on it but some covers are just mindless copies... The trend will die down soon though
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    Some people dont create art just to be "trendy", some of them just like the song. Dont be too harsh, we have a LOT of people that watch witcher and you are bound to get a lot of remixes!
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    @PublicByte I still miss Rdio. Dead for 6+ years and it had better suggested artist/tracks than Spotify now
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