It's saddening to see that most of the students in my programming class don't care about programming :(

And it's heart breaking to see that the professor is using html4 instead of html5. 😣😣

  • 2
    Please don't say that he was using ie for development!
  • 2
    Let me guess... you're also using tables to "design" a website? 😕
  • 6
    Oh thank god no. The professor did make everyone download Sublime Text. And then taught everyone how the dev tools in chrome work.

    However the professor has been using tags like <font> in their code which kinda hurts.
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    @ebourgess well I can understand the first part since this is a Art related major, however everyone knows there are 6 web courses. Although web is the most important, people really care less about it.
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    @ebourgess we learn 4 languages. 6 courses, 3 month each.
    Yes, It's an important part of my degree, Multimedia Arts.
  • 0
    "programming class" more like ICT in general then. HTML isn't programming. It's markup.
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    @veslav when you have java involved I assume it's programming. HTML is an intro to all other classes
  • 1
    @uziiuzair atleast he knew about sublime... they make us use notepad literally for coding anything...even java! 😑
  • 1
    @rjagiasi the only time she uses notepad is when giving an example on the projector. Since she can enlarge the text. (Although, I believe sublime text also text a larger text size feature) haha
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    HTML is not programming language it is markup language. I tired of repeating this
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    @tiksn so because I mentioned that the prof was using a version of HTML you assumed this class is not a programming class? Should I start listing down all other programming languages to satisfy your definition of a programming class?
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