Elasticsearch queries are FUCKING ugly

Elasticsearch documentation is FUCKING bare-minimum.

Kibana only shows data when it FUCKING feels like it.

Elastic stack is FUCKING annoying me

  • 2
    EFK, for Elastic FUCKING Stack. I feel you!
  • 1
    Which is perfect when you're the only guy on the team capable of setting one up and really using it.

    But yes takes a lot of trial and error.
  • 2
    @billgates being there only person on a team that can do xyz is bad. Reason:

    "I'd love to promote you, but we need you in your current position because you're the dumb cunt that decided to learn NoSQL"
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm hm true... But the thing is the promotion was imaginary to start with. It's always like that "i'd like to promote you but ... " That's why most people just leave, pays better too.

    When your stuck in one place though, it's nice being the big fish.
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    @billgates well... If you like what you do. I don't like NoSQL so far
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    @AlgoRythm hahahahahaha lol nice one
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    Now just try Logstash to complete your misery
  • 1
    Wanna make it worse?

    Learn TimeLion.
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    @v3ctor no

    @stonestorm no
  • 0
    @stonestorm dude... That's like... Dude!!!
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    My colleague was search for this ....yahahahq
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    Try having to retroactively add TTL document expiration for time based indices only to find out it's a massive performance hit.
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