DAMN I wish software was easy and simple! It's fucking hard a lot of times. Fucking complex. All those guys who make it more complex - Fuck you all!!

  • 7
    Good, I like to keep all the dumb dumbs out of the industry.
  • 2
    You have to have/acquire abstract temporal thinking to code well anymore. The temporal part is going to get a lot worse as multithreaded programming becomes the norm.
  • 2
    Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.

    And also, KISS.
  • 0
    @Jilano I thought you were going to say look at all those project managers.
  • 3
    Some people equate the complexity of the thing the software does with complexity of usage. Some of the most talented programmers make incredibly hard to use software. Which is why the UI sells the product.

    Take MS Windows for example. It has a bajillion lines of yarn ball code but the average user can figure things out.

    That is why some early Linux software was bad. It was made by great programmers that were inspired. Yet there is such a chasm between the dev and the average user that the HCI was not made with a human user in mind.
  • 3
    If it was easy, it wouldn't be worth doing.
  • 1
    @Root I hear this a lot 🤦‍♂️ We build complex tooling and then more tooling to make it easy. Not sure what's the reason or how to make it better. For now I'm sticking to making tooling to make things easy
  • 0
    @irene I want the usage at least to be simple :/ and software code itself - only simplicity is easier - for more contributions. And for easy change and debugging. Or else people are just gonna shy away from it. Also, tests! To keep it robust, no matter what
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