Not aRant but I just got my GT86 and its a fuckin beast. Took it out last night till 5 in the morinin then headed to work at 7 in my nissan note lol, not gonna use the GT for 62 miles everyday

  • 0
    Exciting, did they give it a little more power? Test drove a manual BRZ in 2015 and I just couldn't get it to push into corners like I'd expect.
  • 2
    @SortOfTested nah, its still proper fun tho
    but a hvnt unleashed it properly, gotta take it to a track sometime.
  • 1
    I remember racing against much higher classed cars in Gran Turismo 5 with that one.. I'd get a 15x credit multiplier because of the performance difference, but with perfect laps I'd still win. My favorite car in that game!
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