
Why is my todo list neverending ??? Like, goddammit I need to sit down and read a book without being behind on some deadline!
... Wait, gotta go, I'm behind for some paper's deadlines. πŸ˜ΆπŸ˜‘

  • 2
    I feel that. I have a 2-dimensional todo list. πŸ˜”
  • 2
    Ever heard of the Eisenhower matrix? Put a big trash beside your desk and learn to say no ;)
  • 2
    @blubberfish lol. I loke your optimism. If it wasn't necessary or urgent, it wouldn't have made it to the list anyways. 😜
  • 0
    @NoMad oha.. Then you need one or two co-programmers and your employee is a bit mean or you're self employed and known it before
  • 1
    @blubberfish is a "researcher" considered to be self-employed? πŸ€”
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