I struggle with naming things. Projects especially and particularly if I intend to make a library in C and want to prefix the routines with something.

How do you decide on a name for your software projects?

  • 3
    I find dick jokes or dick related things to be an evergreen for naming things
  • 1
    @don-rager it'd have completed the joke if you had the username dick-rager
  • 0
    Named so a 5 yo could understand what it does.
  • 0
    @M1sf3t I must say, some of my refactor binges have been epic though. 😁
  • 2
    Something witty or creative that sounds neat and fits the project well.
  • 2
    I usually split my C projects into modules and prefix the function names with a module abbreviation. Sort of namespace by convention.

    The rest of the name should be descriptive for what the function does or the variable holds. If you're not sure how to name it, it is probably doing too many different things.
  • 1
    Step 1: pick a name that says what it does
    Step 2: profit
    Step 3: hire a professional to put a coat of lipstick on the pig
  • 0
    Apparently Linux doesn't as well, concerning the names they have given to kernel resources.
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