
Fellas is freelancer.com good? Just signed up but honestly don't know much about it

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    I've met/worked with many decent clients from there and made a decent amount of money since 2010. It used to be easier to get gig there but, there are too many competition depending on the technology being used.

    1.Create a professional profile and logo/avatar.
    2. Apply for the jobs where less people are bidding and always ask project related questions in the "bid details" form.
    3. As soon as you make some money upgrade your membership. I realized that I was awarded more projects with at least the Basic Membership.
    4. On the android app you can see what others are posting as bid details. Try to stand out. Stay away from fillers/templates .
    5. Show off your past projects in the Showcase page. If you have none then, create some free websites, make a free s00 44 upload your projects to github.
    6. Once you complete a projec,r keep in touch with the clients and ask if they need help with another prilojjec be
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