
Want one

  • 13

    I'd do something similar, except I don't have a desktop and don't like icons anyway. 🙁
  • 6
    what is this, facebook?
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    @ScribeOfGoD y'know what that's fair
  • 5
    Would be better if it was a black hole and the middle was `shred`
  • 11
    Actually, this makes me want to build a custom DE fork that supports icon movements. I doubt anyone would use it seriously, but it would certainly be novel. I could see racing and astrophysics themes, and aquarium, maybe flock movement sims too.
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    @Root waiting for it
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    @faheel idfc about usability. It's novel.

    Besides, if the icons, etc. move slowly enough there's no real issue except finding the correct one. And most desktop icon users have that issue anyway.
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