
I think instead of being lazy today and sleeping in until 3, I'm gonna spend my Sunday morning early afternoon learning something new or building something short and sweet. Not sure what I wanna go after though! I started getting into openCV but I'm not good enough quite yet for it to be somewhat enjoyable. I am a swiss army knife so I work a lot of stuff but I'm open to anything.

  • 0
    I may have solved my own problem writing this, but I'd love to get on something for a few hours
  • 2
    Wait, that's illegal. Go back to sleep.
  • 0
    That's a valid point haha
  • 5
    Build an insulting "who-is-it" slack bot that analyzes a person's account image and generates a random anonymous insult from found facial features. The insult should be posted to a configurable slack channel in a configurable interval.
    E.g. every 2 hours the chatbot picks a random person, analyzes the image, generates an insult for sth. Like their hair colour, and posts that insult as a pm to the person and to the public channel. Then the other people have to figure out to whom the insult refers. Answers should be given to the slack bot

    10/10 would use
  • 0
    @don-rager discord bot lol
  • 1
    @ScribeOfGoD oooohhh that's a good one!
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