I work within an ICT team, but my role isn't ICT specific. However, I still had to explain to my Team lead how to create a .zip and what the purpose of it was. He's been working in the IT industry for 15+ years... how...?

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    I hope your team lead's role isn't ICT specific either, otherwise... well, pain and suffering can be the only logical result.
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    @AlmondSauce Oh he is, it's an ICT Support team, so he really should know these things... I had to explain to him what a database schema was too... again... he is an ICT Professional and I am not. *sigh*
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    @GIS-Jedi He heads up an ICT support team and he's never heard of a zip file?!

    Sounds like a scene from the IT crowd.
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    Wasn't he testing you...?
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