Amazon mturk. Job was to rate grammatical corrections.

First of all, it's surprising how often people forget commas. That's like, the #1 error with these things.

People just keep going on and on and on and on and on and never break their sentence even if there was supposed to be a comma and it really makes the voice in my head fell like it's running out of breath but it can't stop because the sentence is still going and [...]

The corrections are generally okay. I took many more college-level English classes than I think I needed to, so my English is fairly decent. For this reason, I might be a bit more of a stickler than I need to be for this job.

But this one threw me for a loop, because it's just such a bad correction. Not only does it miss the obvious errors but creates a new, equally obvious error.

This is one of the reasons mturk is interesting to me. Sure, I don't make.... practically anything. But you come into such a variety of work that it's almost addicting in a sense.

  • 2
    How about a fourth option:

    Look, word choice aside, no one writes this way. Fix it.
  • 4
    Reminds me of basically everyone in highschool -- even one of my English teachers. "The great floot" appeared in her gradebook for the entire year, despite me (and a few other students and faculty) pointing it out. She also never met a comma she liked, or a cheesecake she didn't. 😕

    @Diactoros Sadly, many people do, and equally sadly: it's illegal to put them out of our collective misery.
  • 4
    @Root see this is why I'm a fan of bullying.

    If we fucking bullied them as a kid they'd start talking like a normal human being.
  • 2
    Hey, cheesecake is wonderful. As long as it's plain 😋
  • 3
    @Root "A cheesecake she didn't" XD

    @Diactoros After reading about 100 of these things, I have figured out it was like a third grade (I HOPE) essay writing contest about censorship and computers. There have been a lot of mistakes I have identified as very typical of juveniles
  • 3
    @SortOfTested Nothing wrong with cheesecake! Plenty wrong with her.
  • 0
    English teachers and terrible seem to go together like white and rice. Freshman year we had a paranoid schizophrenic English teacher. Sophomore year, narcoleptic. Not sure what it is about that profession.
  • 4
    @SortOfTested And chemistry teachers are always literally insane, usually in a good way. I have some theories as to of why...
  • 2
    @SortOfTested my freshamn and senior year english teacher was basically Edna from The Incredibles. Looked and acted like her. But she loved boys, so i was on her good side from the start.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested The second best teacher I've ever had was an English teacher. She loved teaching so much that she kept teaching through her 70s. She died the year after the school forced her to retire. it was sad.

    (The best teacher I ever had was a black business teacher named Mr. Hump. He was freaking awesome. and yes, he totally made jokes about his name like every class)
  • 0
    @Root hUMp DaY!!!1!!!11!!!one!
  • 2
    Political theory teacher for me. His name was Richard Head. He did not, however appreciate the jokes 😆
  • 1
    @SortOfTested NO WAY. You had a Dick Head????????????? Like, actually???????
  • 0
    He was objectively a great teacher. I still remember all the greater administrative districts and capitals in South America.
  • 0
    @SortOfTested shit with a name like Dick Head i'd embrace tf out of it. thats legendary stuff
  • 1
    @Stuxnet Parents could have gone with Alex or something.

    A. Head
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm I don't remember many of them, but there were a few gems like "A burger joint named 'the Hump Shack'"

    or business names like:
    "Long Hump Trucking Co"
    "Hump's Pancakes and Sausages"

    Surprisingly, I don't remember any camel references.
  • 2
    I think that sentence is fundamentally so flawed that it's impossible to fix it. It should be deleted completely and the author should try again.
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