Did.... Did it ship without a label??

  • 7
    "Ups, I forgot. I will ship the label"
  • 21
    Hi, I wrote part of this system ~ 16 years ago. UPS has a pickup from commercial wherein they'll pick up and attach the label later. It's a fustercluck.
  • 8
    @SortOfTested they use the slow trucks for the packages and the fast trucks for the labels. The slow trucks begin shipping at 7:30 am and the fast trucks start at 8am. The fast trucks catch up to the slow trucks at 10am and throw the labels out the window into the awaiting arms of the label operator in the slow truck. The label operator then labels all of the packages and army rolls out of the slow truck and walks back to headquarters
  • 4
    @AlgoRythm Let me guess, the math exam question is to figure out at what point on the highway they meet?
  • 4
    I'm seriously disappoint at the lack of love here for slow pointer/fast pointer humor.
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