
Is this really what constitutes a fucking personality nowadays?

(Found on Indeed):

  • 10
    "Looking for at least 4 years of 4chan experience. 8chan a plus, if you speak Russian."
  • 7
    My gif game is the only reason I still have a job.
  • 7
    My "office" discovered the built in gif feature in teams and it's the best thing that's happened during the pandemic
  • 0
    I can build a GIF parser. But what is a "gif game"?
  • 1
    @Oktokolo it means being good at sending funny gifs in group chats etc
  • 1
    *kicks their door down and screams* " YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE PERSONALITY"
  • 2
    Obligatory "..it's what plants crave."

    If devrant had a cross out feature, I'd type "electrolytes" here, cross it out, replace it with "personality", cross that out and replace it with "gifs."

    I just really wish devrant had a strikethrough option.
  • 2
    You fuckin' nailed it
  • 1
    Oooh, sorry, Ionly administer the Voight-Kampff test.
  • 1
    That is certainly an important skill too. Especially in times of Corvid-induced homeoffice.
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