
Am I the only one that goes crazy when I have to use a low-code system? It makes no sense to me. The abstractions that help an average schmuck make a feedback loop of abstractions in my brain.

How do I loop over this collection. Is this a collection or a single thing? How does a variable work? Logic doesn't work the same? How do I know what is actually coming into this little port? When does the database get this? Can I see a debug log somewhere? Why can't I see the code behind this little popup window?

I ask someone that isn't a developer and they say, "You are overthinking it."
Fuck that. You pay me to overthink things and describe them in excruciating detail. You wouldn't hand an illustrator three wax crayons and ask them to make a photo-realistic picture.

  • 5
    Unfortunately, the glut of unqualified pseudo-engineers and career switchers has had the effect of everyone else thinking our job is trivial.

    No one would ever condescend to tell an electrical engineer how to design a substation, but there isn't a customer alive who doesn't think they're qualified to tell us how to design an application.
  • 1
    Those are true abominations.
  • 3
    I have never used drugs, but I did try labviews a while back. I still get flashbacks.
  • 1
    Collections are great. My job would be way harder without lists, maps and sets - real ones and lazy abstractions that just mimic them.
  • 2
    @Oktokolo Lists, Maps and Sets are all amazing. I despise all implementations of Collections in JS though.
  • 0
    Maps are objects in JS, while lists are arrays. But if you want a true set wich enforces the typical set-associated invariants, you have to implement one yourself. And of course in JS you would implement it in JS.
    So as a set is a collection and sets are amazing, collections are amazing.
    As JS has no sets in its standard library and sets are amazing, having one implemented in JS is amazing.
    So collections implemented in JS are amazing.

    By the way: When implementing any collection, also implement iterators - they are amazing too.
  • 5
    It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a queue! It's a stack! It's an array!
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