
Ok, rubber ducks are ducking helpful, but I moved to use actual ducks.

If you are currently stuck somewhere where your rubber-mate cannot help out, feel free to ask. I’ll forward.

  • 3
    Thanks, i have my own.
  • 9
    wait, you'll forward requests? hang on, where is it...

    ah here it is

    ***WHY THE FUCK***
  • 7
    @dder you seem to be having one hell of a time mate, the surroundings are awesome!!
  • 5
    I would get the weirdest looks if I talked to ducks the way I talk to my computer
  • 4
    It's an upgrade.
    Pervs and plebs only stick with rubber 😜
  • 2
    @dnsProbe I do. If I need to be alone, I can be alone in a park.

    Make the best out of it!
  • 3
    @Parzi is that a question that I should fwd, or is it directed to me ?
    If latter: why not ?
  • 3
    Can you ask them why she left me? 😭😭
  • 4
    @dder please forward.
  • 2
    Have plenty of rubbers, but none of them are in duck form.
  • 4
    @AlgoRythm they claim that she left because you were not right.
    Whatever they mean by that /:

    Sorry dude :(
  • 5
    @Parzi regarding that, they said: “wrong command, RTFM”!
    (might be a language barrier thing, sorry I’m not that good at “Quak”)
  • 2
    @Haxk20 no. Spelling error in VFE detected. Delete the passage (at least 20lines above and below) and type again. (NOT cnp, type)
  • 0
    GANG GANG πŸ¦†
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