
What the fuck!!! Do I really have to explain `git stash` more than 2 times? 😬😬😬

  • 1
    Please. 'Cause I don't know what it is.
  • 2
    What is git stash?
  • 3
    @KuroTenshi67 @Linux

    It saves your local uncommitted modifications and revert the working directory to match the HEAD commit, ( reference `man git stash` ) so you don't have to commit those unfinished changes in case you have to switch branches or by any other reason.

    You can always get then back with `git stash pop` for the most recent stashed modifications.

    `man` explains it better and broader too 😛
  • 3
    @dfoxx can we have ` code ` support pretty please
  • 1
    @rohitshetty @dfox was doing it in case they implement 😝
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