Every other day, Git is the best version control ever. Today, got damn it Git, why can't it just work

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    Git good
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    @fzammetti The massive success of Github shows that Git is super cool tech that can solve hairy problems that 99% of the projects will never even have - and also that Git is a completely unusable piece of shit.

    That's typical for OSS - success in backend, but a total disaster for interactive use. I think the bazar development model is responsible both for the success and the failure. When everyone hacks in some shit, you get highly configurable software, but with no coherent vision. Doesn't matter much if it's in the backend where you script it once and never touch it again.
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    @Fast-Nop @fzammetti Let's say that it's true (not sure if I agree) and git is garbage, then what's the alternative?

    You surely want some sort of version control, right?
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    @Geoxion For 99% of the projects, SVN has always been good enough. It's huge projects like the Linux kernel with thousands of devs world-wide that cannot use SVN because a centralised server approach wouldn't scale. In my company, we use SVN happily, and one of the good features is that is is centralised.

    For the rest, they don't really need Git, and the killer feature of Github is providing Git tech without its insane UI.
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