
Being the only developer in your circle of non-tech friends is weird 😕.
And why are most female programmers not appealing 🤦‍♂️.
The beautiful ones are usually clueless and can't get into a ”deep programming concept ”conversation.
I guess I can't eat my cake and have it at a time.

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    I mean, they are non-tech friends for a reason.
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    @rutee07 maybe
  • 9
    There's another disappointment in the making for you: tech babble won't get you into the pants of hot female devs anyway.
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    @Fast-Nop sure but the probability of meeting a hottie is 1/100.
  • 3
    In college my friends and I had a theory. You couldn't find a woman was into video games, anime, AND also showered. All the geeky women met two of the three criteria, but never all three.

    Well I finally found one and I married her. She's not a dev but that's fine with me.
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    @rutee07 @rutee07 I am not definitely looking for a hottie. As a matter of fact, I am with a gorgeous non- tech female. I just made a rant about my observation.
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    Look at it this way.Are you a guy who is handsome , muscular ,do regular exercise, kind , and a coder?

    We make sacrifice to be as intelligence as we can.We bury our head into books to be as smart as we can.Since we use all our time reading we don't have time for some aspect (regular exercise,interacting with other people,---etc) I am not saying there no such people work meet all the criteria I have put out.

    In term of smart woman I assume (I can just assume since I am male) that they sacrifice learning how to make themselves pretty to be as intelligence as they can.
  • 7
    Why in the world do you want to date a dev? It's much smarter, in my opinion, to engage with people whose careers are dramatically different than yours. That way, you'll have something to talk about more.
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    @sweetnothings thanks for the valuable inputs, perhaps female devs are female first and devs later. Never knew...🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️
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    I read this as, "Shallow, SWM, looking to shit where he eats." Should post this to /r/AmITheAsshole.
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    @Meetife what does your gorgeous non-tech female think about you day dreaming about meeting someone else? 🤔
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    @sweetnothings since you friend zoned him, can you tell me is it worse to friend zone than being friend zoned?
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    @bahua buuuuuuut two minds trying to debug same thing with different perspectives can help.

    Not that you can't teach basic understandings of your language to your partner, just saying.
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    @SortOfTested this made me say oooof out loud, specifically because of how bad this post can be taken.
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    @sweetnothings concise and deep.
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    @Kashmir I found yetis , now what?
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    @BobbyTables I know it as the beauty-brains-sanity paradox. Pick two.
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    @meetife the reason you probably don’t meet that many female programmers at all is because we tend to do everything in our power to stay clear of guys with your type of misogynistic mindset. The smarter the women, the better they are at staying clear of you...
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