Ever wrote some code so sweet you could barely contain yourself and want to call some of your friends to share your achievement... then realize they just wouldn't understand.... #needcodefriends

  • 3
    I usually just do it and share with them and they dont get it but it helps me to understand better cuz it will help you to put it out as simple as you can. I have even discovered flaws while doing this. It's kind of rubber duck technique but on actual persons :)
  • 2
    It happens every time I get something to workπŸ˜„
  • 3
    Thankfully I have technical friends, but I can definitely relate to this when I'm getting excited about maths, and I see my friend's eyes glaze over. 😲
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    STORY OF MY LIFE. Part of the reason why I really love DevRant haha. YOU GUYS GET ME. πŸ˜‚
  • 3
    Im so glad we are all here.
  • 1
    I'm feeling like this now. This is all new to me and when I get something working I wanna talk about it. My dad told me I'm out of my mind.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • 0
    I feel ya 😯
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  • 1
    Yes !! This ! So true xD
  • 0
    I usually share it with my mom.
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