
apparently windows 10 setup still does this shit if the fucking media it's loading from is too goddamn slow

good to know win10 is carrying on the NT tradition of not even giving you graphics mode for forever if your storage is too slow

god bless usb 2.0 sticks that perform worse than usb 1.1 sticks

  • 4
    You get a progress bar, isn't it graphics?
  • 1
    Never had this issue with win 10 on usb 2.0 🤔
  • 2
    In a blog post I can't find, it showed how you can literally still find Windows 3.1 file selection dialogs in Windows 10 while configuring some obscure settings.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil Linux is built to support both legacy and new hardware, so it's to be expected.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil have you tried Win10 on a Pentium 2?
  • 0
    @dontbeevil win10 actually won't boot on a P2 due to one or another missing instruction expansion
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