
Just tried Xiaomi Mi Band vibration alarm. It literally only gives 15 short bursts over the 10 seconds and then it stops. There's almost no configuring available in their app except for snooze option which only has default value of 10 minutes, so it means you're stuck with just choosing an alarm time.

Do they actually expect people to wake up by that?

  • 5
    Update, found amazing solution to problem on their forums:
    "If you need something longer, set a few more alarms continuously. If not, I guess this band isn’t suitable for you."
  • 2
    If I recall correctly, this was also the case for FitBit Charge 2. At some point, it simply stopped waking me and there were no options to configure it.

    Looks like the only solution is a loud, blaring alarm then.
  • 3
    @myss that solution is not amazing as the below

    Stop sleeping, so that you don't have to worry about alarms waking you at all
  • 1
    @asgs ohh, now all is clear.. thanks bud, you're a lifechanger 😂
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