Back here after a long time. Hey guys what's up?
So I was recently pushing some code into github, and i realized that i had over 500 repos, 400 of them being forks. I guess my 3yrs before self had thought that he will be the only saviour of all the android libs in the world.

So i am thinking of re organising my complete github ; like nuking the forks, combining my multiple mini project repos to 1 and keeping the repos to at most 10-12.

Is that a good idea? I mean companies usualy judge by github profiles, and after reorganising, most of my commit history would be lost.

<You know , tech world is weird. in real life, people are judged by their homes, so they keep their home tidy. but here, people are judged by their github profiles, so they keep their github profiles messy>

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    I always delete forks - they're just clutter otherwise. Forks only exist when I'm working on a PR.

    As for other projects - no need to necessarily combine them unless they sensibly fit under one repo (I combined all my trivial Alexa apps for example, but wouldn't combine stuff that doesn't fit.) You can still keep the got history if you want when you do that.

    If you're concerned about potential employers being able to find the "good stuff" though, just pin the repositories you want them to find, and make sure any that you're not working on are archived to show they're inactive. Having said that, most employers don't look at GitHub anywhere near as much as you might think.
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    hey i want to combine all my android apps to single repo. i was thinking of cloning them, then nuking them all on github, then removing their .git folder and then pushing them to a single new repository.

    But i guess in this way i would loose both my github and git history. So what are the other options?

    I am guessing if i *don't* remove the individual .git folder then i could possibly save their local history, but the github repo will show only 1 major commit ? I have never maintained a nested git repo. you got some tips here?
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    @StopWastingTime I think i just used this guide here (or something similar) https://saintgimp.org/2013/01/... - basically you add new origins, merge, move commit then go again for the next repo. Been ages since I did it, but it worked for me.

    Also worth mentioning that GitHub has unlimited free private repos now - so if there's projects you want to keep but don't want employers seeing, just make them private.
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    Remove forks, keep your projects as they are. Gotta keep them commits. Also merging a bunch of repos makes it harder to find stuff.
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    @AlmondSauce this script is best! thankyou for this. but i have got like 40 projects that needs to be merged to single. and this is still taking a very long time.
    But the bright side is that commit history is being saved flawlessly. guess i had to, as my gym instructor says, bear the pain to achieve the gains
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