

If you comment shit like "mUsIc ToDaY iS gArBaGe" and "iM fRoM tHe WrOnG gEnErAtIoN" on YouTube, you deserve to have whatever rights you're given stripped from you.

We live in the most technically advanced time the world has ever seen. We have music available 24/7 from literally all over the world. So shut the fuck up and listen to your preference. Nobody holds a gun to your head and makes you listen to today's music. Don't like it? Don't listen.

It's not brain surgery and this doesn't make you unique or quirky as much as you want it to, nor is it a personality trait.

  • 7
    I mean, I agree, but is the feeling not that most mainstream artists aren't creating music they like and not pushing the industry in the direction they'd like? If that's why then it's somewhat understandable but there's a myriad of underground artists of every genre.

    Now you get to be cool and indie by liking music outside the mainstream. People should feel good about it as long as your not the "persex glasses with no visual benefit" type of indie 😂
  • 3
    SwEeEeEeEeEeT !!!! 🌸 🌺 🌹
  • 1
    @odite yea you're correct, most mainstream music is pretty dookie in all genres. That being said, it takes no time to make a playlist with the music you like and just listen to it.

    Like I enjoy music from like the 60s to 80s, but I just made my playlist and listen to it whenever I want like a normal human being 😂😂
  • 2
    Why hate something you don't like? Is that time well spent? I'll rather spend time on something I like then on something i don't!
  • 4
    Deffo agree with hate on those comments but also partially disagree with nobody pushing me to listen to crap.

    For example I'm often sick from my own playlists and like to discover new music with autoplay feature of Youtube, but sometimes it plays me *multiple times* songs I specifically disliked and marked as "not interesting for me".

    Not holding me at gunpoint yes, but being shoved something I consider trash again and again gets annoying quickly..
  • 0
    @Jilano I for one would like a few moths off from all of this noise in, say, some vilage in the 18th century :) with all the knowledge I have now ofc.
  • 0
    nostalgia is a mental condition
  • 2
    @Jilano What about: I would like to go back when your mom was still hot. That one seems valid.
  • 0
    @odite I think people said that 50 years ago as well.
  • 1
    Agree, and I'll listen to whatever I want whenever I want, but when the cunts next door are blasting whatever new rap shit is cool at the moment for everyone to hear, I'm allowed to hate it.
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