
had to give a short presentation on the origin of OOP at work. It turned into a neat little discussion on what OOP means to you based on your experience and what you've been taught. I had always thought it just meant working in terms of objects and polymorphism, inheritance, etc. were good practices.

Found it interesting that when I started reading into Simula, Smalltalk and Alan Kay's work, early 'uses' of OOP were different from each other and today. To me it seems it have originated obviously, from the desire to work with real world objects but branching off to being more closely related to the actor model and the idea of message passing.

Was wondering if anyone else has looked into this topic or has their own opinions based on experience.

  • 0
    Imho, the best things about oop is encapsulation and composition. Allows you to black box functionality and reduce overall complexity, while at the same time giving reusability.
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