  • 4
    It's too bad you didn't call it something to do with Bumblebee, like Calm Bumblebee
  • 3
    @jschmold hmm! That really didn't come into my mind at that moment! It's good though 👌!
  • 14
    Bro I'm not even gonna sugar coat it, I would rather try and figure out how to use a 99% transparent theme than getting mustard all over my screen

    I respect that your color choice is bold, though. Gives me race car vibes
  • 3
    @AlgoRythm thanks for your honest opinion. Appreciate it! I was going for a bold move!😉
  • 6
    @AlgoRythm I might go one step further and say I'll learn vim rather than having my screen look like a bee lol. But OP, I commend your efforts and bold choices lol
  • 4
    @ScribeOfGoD I can't really speak because I use vim inside of VSC all the time lmao
  • 0
    @ScribeOfGoD thanks! Hope successful exit vim! 👍🤭
  • 6
    Very Cyberpunk 2077 minus the subtle details, not bad actually.

    I'd say it looks visually attractive (without that huge yellow border) but it's not something you'd want to use for programming.
  • 1
    It's actually amazing and also proof of the fact that good devs are bad at naming
  • 2
    I wonder if this is just variation in rod and cone amounts, because it seems like certain groups of people gravitate towards earth and natural warning colors. Burns my retinas most of the time.
  • 1
    It’s yellow
  • 1
    Call it burgersauce
  • 1
    Cyberpunk shieett !
  • 1
    Nothing wrong with yellow, but you are trying to draw my attention towards those headings and I don't know why they should appear so overly important.
  • 0
    @theuser what's your thoughts now?
  • 1
    @cha-m-ra Maybe you could dim those drawers a little bit, although it might make sense for you. I only ever use project drawer.
  • 1
    @theuser cool thanks!
  • 1
    Nice man! Ill try it out, I like the color combination.
  • 0
    @amoux thanks!🤗
  • 0
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