  • 4
    IE anything, we are having issues of win10 and ie11 combo of dropping sessions
  • 2
    I thought IE was made, just to download chrome. :P
  • 0
    I feel your pain who still runs ie < 10
  • 0
    @ThijsBraver so true
  • 2
    I was actually glad for ie8 when I stopped supporting ie6...*shudders*
  • 1
    @leriaz no idea why everyone needs it. But for some it is important. Because for example some company computers don't allow a user to install programms. And they have only IE pre-installed
  • 1
    I've heard from people in the ecommerce side that the higher ups still want it as there are still potential customers using it. I get that, but at what cost?
  • 0
    @ThijsBraver agreed, with a Healthcare website we have group administrators who use it and most likely only have what's installed by the company, same with medical providers. I once had a lady who didn't even know what Google Chrome was.
  • 0
    @leriaz for DOD or other federal entities, IE is all that they are allowed to use. And that's a lot of Internet usage.
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