Hearing from friends and some family... "You don't really work. You just sit in front of a computer all day."

  • 2
    I explained to my niece once that my job consists of starting at my screen all day.
  • 5
    They are not your friends anymore
  • 4
    Sometimes they don't even say it. You can just feel them judging your life based off your profession.

  • 6
    This happens all the fucking time. I used to room with my best friend and I would come home mentally exhausted and they would say "You can't be tired. You sit down all day and don't do real work."

    Sorry I don't work in a warehouse or McDonald's.
  • 0
    I hate this so much...
  • 0
    @liverreich but u can't say the same about your family
  • 0
    I just show them my setup... They get it then especially if I leave some app code open.. they just go... That looks complicated. You understand that ?
  • 0
    My own mother says I "just play games and click random things all day long"...
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